Atlanta Braves

Atlanta Braves Multimedia

"When the Atlanta Braves transitioned to the new SunTrust Park, they decided that there wouldn‘t be a designated museum, but rather the park would “be” a museum. They wanted to take the memorabilia and incorporate it throughout the ballpark and its clubs – with the showcase experiences located in Monument Garden, which features audio, light and water elements.

Silver Oaks was a part of the creative team, producing key media focal points that honor Hank Aaron, greatest Braves moments and the Braves’ retired jersey numbers.

“Hank Aaron: Home Run King”

“Hank Aaron: Home Run King” is a 7-minute large-scale video presentation that chronicles Aaron‘s career, showcases his successes as a legendary player and features highlights of his landmark hits.


“Greatest Braves Moments”

The “Greatest Braves Moments” area includes a series of six :30 audio programs that feature calls from historic plays. The programs are each associated with a respective artifact.


“Retired Numbers” Interactive

“Retired Numbers” is a touchscreen interactive that honors the 10 Braves players whose jersey numbers have been retired. Each player‘s career is showcased in a 2-minute video highlighting his accomplishments.


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