South Florida Science Center and Aquarium

Human Brain Exhibit Interactives

Silver Oaks was fortunate to be a part of the creative media team that brought South Florida Science Center’s cutting edge “Journey Through the Human Brain” exhibition to life – developing three very different interactive experiences.


Reaction Time

Visitors can interact with our "Reaction Time" station to learn about the importance of reaction time in baseball, and then test their own skills in either 1-player or 2-player mode using a push button interface.


Send a Message

Adjacent to the "Reaction Time" interactive station is the "Send a Message," which explains how messages travel through a network of neurons. To illustrate the process, visitors must "jump" on a jump pad to get the message that it's raining to and from the brain as quickly as possible, so that the game's character can put up her umbrella and not get wet.


Current Issues in Brain Health

For the "Health Sciences" gallery, Silver Oaks developed a more traditional program directed towards an older audience. "Current Issues in Brain Health" features a series of short informational videos on topics like substance abuse and the distracted brain.


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